Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Can you please help us? 'Room with a View 2015'

Auroa Primary Schools Senior Block: as modelled in Minecraft
Today in class is the second day back from Term Three for 2015.  Our students have just started one of our learning projects for Mathematics as part of Geometry.

We are looking at mapping to scale, with a few directions thrown in for good measure.  As part of this task we are producing a birds-eye-view map of our classroom.

This is all very standard but to make the task a little challenging we are building our own classroom to scale in Minecraft.   Where we are looking to take it to the next level is to create a scale map of your classroom - a place we've probably never been too.

When we are looking for your co-operation is with the details of your classroom.

R3 Interior
If students from Room Three can contact you and email or leave a comment on your class blog that would be amazing.   We have some specific questions that we are looking at using to build our maps and our virtual maps - if you could help either leave a comment here or email Mr Webb (mwebb@auroa.school.nz).  Once we've done that our students will start processing the information and creating two dimensional and then three dimensional models of your classroom and we'll see how close that we can get.

This is going to allow us to test our knowledge of Geometry, look at our questioning, allow us to think critically and of course relate to others.

If you are in the Northern Hemisphere and your students are on a break you can still help! Thank you all so much in advance, we really appreciate the opportunity to collaborate!


  1. Sure thing! My class is year 3/4 at Newmarket School in Auckland. If your teacher Mr Webb emails me the questions I will pass on to my class for you. Waveneyb@newmarket.school.nz :) Miss B

    1. Miss B
      Thank you so much for the offer - we'll be in touch today.
      Mr Webb

  2. We are always happy to help and really keen to collaborate with kids around NZ! Although, I do think our learning space might give you a few surprises! Let us know what you need from us and I will conjure up a magic team to help you!

    1. We would LOVE to have a problem with the size of your learning space as it would be a great way for us to learn.
      Mr Webb

  3. Hi Mr Webb

    We are happy to help from across the ditch. Blog http://5m2015.edublogs.org/ ask questions here.

    Mrs M

    1. Mrs M
      Thanks for your offer and we'd to have a connection - we've tried to get to your site several times and it appears to be password protected, if you could let us know how to view it we'd appreciate it.
      Mr Webb

  4. Hi Mr Webb and Room 3,

    Zelle and Annabelle are going to send you some detailed descriptions of our classroom now.They will post to the 3 blogs of the girls who wrote on Zelle's post.

    They're excited to take part.

    Mrs C-M, SHS, Chch

  5. Hi Mr. Webb and Room 3,

    last year my 6th-grade students built our middle school in Minecraft. Here is a link to their narrated tour: https://youtu.be/h07879Q8Emc. We are still on summer break, but I would like to help now.

    Mrs Judd
    Chalone Peaks Middle School
    King City, Ca
