While it may be the school holidays here in New Zealand that hasn't stopped students from
Auroa Primary School posting regularly during the school holidays. Those of you who are regular followers of this blog will have seen students like
Tom posting as well as posts during the break from
Heavenlee and
Lucas and more.
Emily has just posted a special post asking for photographs from students holidays or what students are doing at the moment if not on holidays.
Miss Nicholas from Room Eight at Auroa Primary School has already started doing this and you can see some of her contributions here.

But did you also know that there are other students at Auroa Primary School posting during the break? If you click on the links to
Rooms 2,
Rooms 3 and
Rooms 4 you can go to the class page and see the individual student blogs listed on the right hand side, altogether we have over 120 blogs
for our classrooms and students.
Today we'd like to highlight some of the students from Room Three, Auroa Primary School.
Mr Spice has an amazing class page. You can also see some sensational work from his year 5/6 students.
Abby has written an impressive report about ANZAC day dawn service at Manaia.
Jade wrote about her holiday in Rotorua. You can see snaps of Katelyns holiday
You can click on all the hyperlinked work above or simply go directly to the class page. Remember to make sure that you leave comments to the students blogs that you visit.
The students from Room One, Auroa Primary School, will be back online and in the classroom this coming Monday 5th May look forward to seeing you all then.