Friday, 19 June 2015

Lego Animation

Untitled from Myles Webb on Vimeo.

Today in Room Three we had a group of students who were working on material for the MOA Awards - this fantastic Term Four Event is a celebration of digital excellence from Matapu, Auroa, Opunake and Kaponga Primary Schools.


  1. The lego looks like so much fun! In a Cybrary we did a lego competition and it was a lot of fun. How did you get so much lego?
    I really enjoyed watching this video, keep up your good posts and videos!

    Selwyn House 8CF Tessa

  2. this looks fun

  3. It looks like you are having a lot of fun using lego to make anamation movies. We can't wait to see what you have done at the MOA Awards. From Jason Holmes and Mr Lodge, Rm 14 Opunake Primary.
