Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Auroa Primary School - Relay Races

On Thursday 6th March Auroa Primary School competed in the local Schools Athletics competition against other local schools.  This video shows some of the highlights from the relay running, featuring some of the students from Auroa Primary.    Auroa students are in the bright orange uniforms.

InterSchool Athletics 2014 from Myles Webb on Vimeo.


  1. Hi my name is Jordan from room 6 and I go to Awahono school. I like your athletics video you made. Some of those kids are pretty fast too. You done a good job of it. You should check out our class blog we have some quizes and a couple videos that your class might enjoy.

  2. Dear Mr Webb + Room One,
    Congratulations on a great day of athletics. I love to run and wish I was there. Feel free to visit my class' blog at year6rc.edublogs.org.
    Keep up the great blogging,

  3. Hi Mr Webb's Class, those relay races looked like great fun! You would have to slow down very fast to turn sharply around that cone! Everyone sounded very encouraging as people ran their race! I wish I was their!
    From Mrs T's class,

  4. Hi,
    Looks like you had a great time at the Athletics Carnival. Alisha and I were blown away by your fast running abilities! We both really enjoyed the Skype call today and learning about your beautiful country and school.
    Alisha and Claudia.

  5. Hi Room 1
    This is Zoe from Balmacewen Intermediate.
    Well done to everyone who competed in your sports day. Some of the kids in the video looked quite fast. I'm sure that everyone had a fantastic time.

  6. Hi there room 1
    This is Connie from Selwyn House School Christchurch.
    Well done to all the students who competed in the sports day. Most of the people looked really fast in the video. Our sports day isn't till about term 3 or 4. I joining into the relays for the houses. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the day.
