Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Robotics 2015

Robotics Club at Auroa Primary School takes place every Tuesday from 2pm-5pm. The students who are part of this club are looking forward to taking part in the Sumo Challenge against students from Matapu Primary School, Kaponga Primary School and Opunake Primary School. When they meet the Lego Robots created by the students will compete against each other in an attempt to push the others out of the Sumo Ring! We also have two teams who were the winners and the runners up from the Whanganui Robotics Regional Competition competing in the nationals in September.


  1. Wow, that looks like a lot of fun! What did you use to make them? How long did it take you to learn? We are hoping to get some robots at our code club soon.

  2. We have Robotics every week and have a competition coming up at the end of the term. They're taken five weeks to get to the stage they are at the moment.
    Mr Webb
