Monday, 7 November 2016

French Tour of Auroa Primary School

Auroa Primary School are very fortunate to have made friends around the world, including a very special friendship with Brindas School in France. Our students who are learning French have a audience to test and learn with. These videos are a tour of Auroa Primary School, with our students introducing the areas of our School, in French.

Jacksons French Tour from myles webb on Vimeo.

My Movie 1 from myles webb on Vimeo.

Auroa School French Tour from myles webb on Vimeo.

My Movie 4 (2) from myles webb on Vimeo.


  1. That's really cool how you learnt French so well! We learn French too!
    -Brille stjosephs Catholic primary school

  2. Well done, Jackson, Jamesen, Aroha, Gypsy, Jordan, Finn, Brody and John !

    We were very excited to watch your movies. By them, we can learn more about your School. It’s an amazing work. Thank you very much ! It’s a real pleasure to hear you speak French.
    Nous allons faire une vidéo pour vous apporter quelques conseils, mais nous sommes déjà admiratifs de la qualité de votre travail. Bravo à tous !
    À très bientôt, les amis.

    Les élèves du CM2 de Brindas, France

  3. Nice job on the videos. Can you include an English translation? I don't speak French so please include a translation.
