Friday, 15 July 2016

R3 What's A Day Like for a Student in New Zealand?

We're always collaborating with students and classrooms around the world. This explanation piece of writing written last term by Aroha from Room Three, it explains a typical day for her, at School in New Zealand. Hi I am Aroha from Room Three, Auroa Primary School in New Zealand and I will be telling you how my day goes. So my day starts with Mum waking me up I climb out of bed and slowly walk up the stairs and walk into the bathroom to grab my uniform then walk back to my room and get dressed. I walk up stairs and ask for a mashed egg on sourdough. While I wait I comb my hair and grab my iPad of charge and put it in my iPad bag. Mum calls me so I get up at the table and eat my egg then I go back to the bathroom again and brush and wash my face then I walk back to the kitchen and sit down and put my shoes and socks on. When we are ready we go down to the bus. When i get to school I put my bag in the clock bay then i unzip and get my iPad out then i walk into the classroom and put my iPad on my desk and go outside and wait for the bell… DING goes the bell i go to class and sit down and wait for Mr Webb. . . Mr Webb walks in and tells the class to sit down then he talks to the class about the daily planner and sometimes news then we get let go to do maths. At 10.30 the bell goes Mr Webb lets the class go all of the class goes to the clock bay well most of the class to get food then i go outside and play handball . Ding the bell goes me and Ashley run to class Mr Webb tells the class the class what topic we are doing for writing then we set to work. . . After a while some people finish and start drafting and some people are still planning then the bell goes at 11.45am Mr Webb lets us go to second break. DING goes the bell everyone rush’s in and sit down on the mat then Mr Webb walks in and talks to the class about what we are suppose to do but some people muck around and not do their work. . . after an hour the bell goes for lunch we pack up reading and go to lunch. 1 hour later the bell goes DING DING DING I run to class carefully and sit down. Mr Webb comes in and talks to the class about ako after a while Mr Webb tells the class to stop what they are doing and pack up. After a couple of minutes the class is packed up and ready to go home. Mr Webb talks to the class until the bell goes DING Mr Webb lets the class to go home. Riding the bus home it is so noisy i can’t stand it… finally I got home Mum tells us get firewood in… after a while I play on my ipad and eat tea.


  1. Hi Aroha !

    Your text is very interesting. Thanks to you, French Students (and me too) can have a better understanding of one Student’s typical day in Auroa School.
    Currently, in France, we have long summer holidays. The school will start again on September the 1st. I am sure that some of my new Students will be happy to answer you, writing a text about their school life in Brindas. I remember you are one of the French language learner : so, they’ll send you texts written in French. Next, I’ll ask them to translate some sentences in English, during the English class and we’ll make a video for all the Students of the Room Three. In this way, you, your classmates and Mr Webb will be able to have an idea of one day in a French School.
    Thanks a lot, Aroha, for sharing a piece of your life with us.
    Merci beaucoup, Aroha, de nous aider à mieux connaître la vie des écoliers en Nouvelle-Zélande.
    Félicitations pour ton travail d’écriture.

    Mr Galligani, the Teacher of the CM2 from Brindas, France

  2. Hello Aroha !
    As promised, there is a first Student from our class who just texted you back in French about one day, here, in Brindas School. Happy reading !


    Bonjour, je m'appelle Timothé.
    Le matin, c'est soit papa soit maman qui me réveille. Ensuite, je vais aux toilettes. Puis, je prends mon petit déjeuner, je me lave les dents, je fais mon cartable et je pars à l'école.
    On entre en classe à 8h30. On a une récréation de 10h15 à 10h30. À 11h30, c'est l'heure du repas à la cantine.
    L'école recommence à 13h30. Le mardi et le vendredi, on finit à 15h00. À partir de 15h00, on fait des activités : sports, travaux manuels, dessin, etc. Le lundi et le jeudi, on finit à 16h30. Le mercredi, il n’y a pas de classe l’après-midi.
    Après l’école, je rentre chez moi et je goûte. Le soir, je me lave, je dîne, je regarde un peu la télévision et je me couche.

    PS : Vous avez de la chance de pouvoir apporter vos Ipads à l’école !!!

    Timothé L. "

    Let us know if you understood everything…

  3. You can read some other texts in French about the topic "La journée d'un écolier" ("One Student’s school day") by clicking on the link provided below :

    Happy reading !

    Serge Galligani, the Teacher of the CM2 from Brindas School, France
