Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Best Class Blogs - MOA Kluster Awards 2015

The final award for the MOA Kluster Awards 2015 were announced today.  As a result Room Three was very happy to be nominated for the 2015 Best Class Blog Award.  We'd also like to pass on our warmest congratulations to the three other finalists - Mrs Ericsson and her Room Five Class Blog, Miss Davidson and her Star Seven Class Blog and from Opunake Primary School Miss Ogle and her Class Blog.  You can click on the link to see all the finalists on the links above.


  1. Well done on being nominated for this!
    Primary 4/5 will be back in school tomorrow for the beginning of term 2 and would love to work with you. The Agricultural Day sounds exciting, we will look lout for posts on this! Our topic is Shetland this term so if you would like to learn about where we live I'm sure the class would love to share our learning with you. If you have any ideas or questions please do not hesitate to get in touch and ask. We look forward to hearing from you.
    Miss Nicholson and Primary 4/5, Tingwall Primary School, Shetland, https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/sh/tingwallp45/

    1. Miss Nicholson
      We're going to do a feature on the Shetland Islands this week which I will post about on your blog. We've had a discussion about your class and where it is and our students have decided that we don't have a whole lot of information about where you are and it would be a great information and look at somewhere different! We'll be in touch.
      Mr Webb

  2. Dear Mr Webb, Today I am running a workshop for teachers on the West Coast of the South Island and I am showing them your class blog. One reason is because it is fabulous! The other reason is because Mr Webb is very generous and visits other classes' blogs and leaves encouraging comments. I wish there were more teachers like Mr Webb :)

    Mrs Burt

    1. Mrs Burt
      Thank you for the kind words. Many years ago I remember being at a workshop that you ran in Auckland which got me started, so without your help its not something that I would have ever attempted. We're always looking for collaboration opportunities and new people to meet so if they get in contact with us we'd love to hear from them.
      Mr Webb
