Wednesday 15 January 2014

Sssh! We're not here yet...

Thanks for your visit and congratulations on finding our page... this site is not going to be operational officially until February 3rd when the students arrive in the classroom.

Mr Webb is very, very excited to be starting at a new school, Auroa Primary School located in South Taranaki, New Zealand for 2014.  

You can contact Mr Webb prior to this at or on twitter as NZWaikato.

Otherwise we'd love to hear from you a little later and please call back again then and make connections with our students.


  1. Welcome to Auroa School Mr Webb. I can't wait to see what you have install and what the children in Room 1 are going to produce in 2014!

  2. The children from 'If Only The Best Birds Sang' (Ireland) are looking forward to reading about Room One @ Auroa School

  3. Thank you both for your comments.

  4. Hi Mr Webb,
    Thanks for visiting Class 11's blog and leaving a comment on one of our posts. The boys will reply tomorrow when we are back in school and should be able to answer some of your questions. Good luck for your coming year and we'll come back and visit you soon!
    Miss Williams, Mrs Simpson and Class 11
    Hopwood C P School, England

    1. Miss Williams
      Thank you for your quick reply, I was very impressed by the start of your class page and think that your students have done some amazing work. Loved reading the recount from the boys and look forward to the answer coming in tomorrow.
